Monday 14 May 2012

More Pork Please!!

The closest thing to feeling like a bird is flying. For us mere mortals that is hard to do unless in a big 747, or the latest jet powered plane. I think the closest thing is flying in a glider. No noise, you hear the sound of the wind!

Years ago in Hawaii on the North Shore was a little air strip where they had a  hanger for a few planes. They offered glider rides so yes, I had to try this....You only live once!!

My heart was in my mouth, what had I done.....too late now, there I was being towed behind a little plane, seated in the glider with a pilot. Next thing I knew, I opened my eyes and we were in the air. The plane in front positioned us not far from the mountain range so we could pick up the thermals and fly higher. The plane in front released the glider rope and we were on our own.....goodbye world!!!!

No, I am kidding, it was amazing, the views were spectacular. The mountains lush and green and the ocean so blue. One thing that stood out was wild boars and they were so big. You could see them run in the tropical vegetation. The pilot and I had a little intercom and we talked. He said the locals hunted the boars and some grew to 160 pounds. No wonder they have so many Hangis in Hawaii ( this is meat cooked under the ground).

There was a lot of other wildlife, but for some reason the boar is what I remember the most. I made it back to earth with another great memory!

The Hawaiians are not the only ones that cook great pork, I wish to share a yummy pork recipe!

Apricot and Pistachio Stuffed Rack of Pork


Serves about 8  people

2kgs of  pork racks
1 cup of fresh bread crumbs
150gms of dried apricots, chopped 
Half of a cup of pistachios, chopped
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
Half an onion, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
1 egg, beaten
3 to 4  tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoons of sea salt, ground


Prepare the meat by placing on a board. You may have one long strip or 2x 1kgs of pork racks, whatever is easiest and fits in your baking dish and oven.

The pork skin should be scored with a sharp knife. Press into the skin and slice lines one way and then the opposite way, to resemble diamond shapes. Now, between the meat and the bone that is sticking up place you knife and slit as close to the bone as possible and along the meat. You should now have a pocket for your stuffing, not too deep or it will fall apart.

For the stuffing, place the bread crumbs, apricots, pistachios, parsley, onion, egg, salt and pepper in a bowl and mix together. Stuff the pocket with the bread crumb mix and push in firmly. With kitchen string, tie the meat up by wrapping the string around each section of the meat firmly.

Place the meat in a baking dish. Lastly, pour olive oil and and then sprinkle salt on top and rub till salt gets into the skin. This should make a crunchy crackle!

In a hot oven place the meat and cook for 35 minutes until the skin starts to crackle, then reduce the oven to a moderate heat and bake for about another hour to hour and half.

I like to rest the meat before cutting for a about 10 minutes. Take off the string and slice meat between each bone. Then place on a serve platter or individual plates, whatever you wish and with the juices from the pan drizzle over the meat.

Serve with fresh new boiled potatoes and asparagus.

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