Saturday 2 June 2012

A 1st Class Ride!!!!

The Grand Canyon in the United States of America is one of the most amazing places on earth. People travel there in the thousands every year.

You can get a closer look at the Canyon in a helicopter, or like me, on a four legged friend! A horse ride, well in my case I was last and got the Mule!! I couldn't believe I got the Mule, guess someone had to ride it!!! There was a guide at the front and someone at the back of the group in case we needed help! We slowly made our way down the steep rocks until we got to our destination, a 2 hour ride down and 2 hours back. The rocks were amazing colours and you could see for miles through the canyon, where the Colorado river runs through. An eagle was flying above us on the way down and it made a noise that echoed through the canyon, later it rested on a ledge. I felt like we were intruding in his space...this was his home and he wanted to tell us!

Above is a link that shows the Grand Canyon.....I definitely recommend you put it on your to do list. It is something I will always remember.

Every State in America is different, including food. At one restaurant, I tried a creamy Mexican chicken dish. After many attempts I'm finally happy to share my version. 

Bernadette's Creamy Mexican Chicken


1 kilogram of mixed chicken pieces or boneless chicken breasts (optional what you prefer)
1 cup of fresh sour lite cream
1 litre of chicken stock
1 cup of white wine (optional)
1 sliced red capsicum
1 sliced green capsicum
1 cup of corn kernels
1 large sliced onion
2 cups of cooked long grain rice
3 tablespoons of sweet chilli sauce 
1 small red chilli sliced and seeded (optional)
2 teaspoons of parsley
1 teaspoon of crushed garlic
salt and pepper to taste
2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoons of cornflour
Half a cup of water
1 large bag fresh corn chips 


In a large fry pan place the olive oil and and chicken pieces. Turning and browning on all sides, this should only take a few minutes. Stand chicken to one side.
In a large casserole dish place chicken stock, wine, sliced capsicums, sliced onions, corn kernels, sweet chilli sauce, chilli, parsley and garlic. Gently stir all together with a fork. Now, place in the chicken pieces, stir gently. Cover and bake in a moderate oven for one hour. After half an hour I suggest you check on it and slightly stir. Cover and return to oven for a further half an hour. Take from oven when the hour is up and stir in the rice and sour cream. Place back in oven with lid off for about 10 minutes. If you feel there is not enough liquid put in some more chicken stock. The rice, even though cooked, will absorb more liquid.
Some people like a creamier texture, so I suggest mixing the cornflour and water together and adding a bit at a time to the chicken dish until you get the desired texture.

Serve on a plate with a fresh parsley garnish and corn chips on the side with a nice glass of white wine!!

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