Sunday 5 January 2014

It's All In The News!

Most people have read a newspaper sometime in their life.

Growing up we had ours delivered by  the local paper man. He drove around in the dark early hours of the morning and threw it on our lawn, often missing and ending up in the middle of the rose garden - not easy to retrieve!

The main paper today is "The West Australian".

The West Australian Newspapers was founded on the 5th January 1833. Owned and edited by Perth Postmaster Charles Macfaull, it was originally a four page weekly paper published on Saturday, changing to Friday in 1864. At the time it was known as "The Perth Gazette and West Australian Journal" 

Charles Macfaull was an early settler in the Swan River Colony renamed  Western Australia. Macfaull arrived in 1830 and is credited with having planted the Colony's first vineyard, using vines brought from the Cape of Good Hope.

Charles Macfaull died in December 1846 and was survived by his wife, Elizabeth, who took the ongoing role of publishing the paper.

The original printing press was a tiny Ruthven press and is currently housed in the Fremantle Museum, Western Australia.
In 1864 the paper was renamed "The Perth Gazette and  published by Arthur Shelton. 

In 1874 it was bought by a syndicate who renamed it "The West Australian Times" Changes came with new owners and there were two editions weekly.

On November 18th 1879 the paper was renamed "The West Australian"  October 1883 saw it increase to three editions a week, before becoming a daily newspaper in 1885.

Today, I still love to read the paper, especially on the weekend with a cup of tea in hand! The newspaper has changed over the years. One of my favourite sections is where I find recipes and get ideas!

Think about the newspaper you read next time, who started it and all the headlines it has had over the years..........

This recipe is from a newspaper I read on my travels a few years ago. It has been changed to my taste.

Greek Yoghurt Roast Lamb


1 leg of Lamb (about 2kg) deboned and butterflied
2 cups of Greek yoghurt
6 cloves of garlic, crushed
2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
45mls of extra virgin olive oil
2 fresh lemons, quartered (Preserved lemons can be used)
3 teaspoons of cumin seeds, ground
3 teaspoons of caraway seeds, ground
3 teaspoons of coriander seeds, ground
Half a teaspoon of chilli powder
Cracked black pepper and sea salt


Combine the spices, except the black pepper.

Reserve approximately one teaspoon of the mix, combine with 2 cloves of crushed garlic and add to 1 cup of the yoghurt and refrigerate for serving separately.

Add the remaining spice mix to one cup of yoghurt and stir in 4 cloves of crushed garlic, a little salt, olive oil and lemon juice.

Lay the lamb in an oiled baking dish.

Rub the yoghurt spice mixture all over the lamb on both sides and allow to marinate. 

Sprinkle with black pepper.  This preparation can be done around 10 hours ahead of time and refrigerated.

Roast the lamb in a preheated moderate oven for around one and a half hours.  

Remove lamb from oven, cover and rest for 10 minutes while you sauté the lemon quarters or preserved lemon for a few minutes in a frying pan.

Serve with the lemon and reserved yoghurt sauce. I suggest roast potatoes and a nice green salad on the side.


1 comment:

  1. Sure beats just sticking a roast in the oven with some oil! Will give this a go :)
