Saturday 4 February 2012

Mountain High

The Rocky Mountains have some of the most breath taking views in the world. This is where I first saw snow on a mountain peak. It was Summer and I was in shorts!!!! The mountain ranges were so high the snow didn't melt. Now, with global warming, I'm not sure if this is still the case. 

Crossing America was an adventure, stopping at so many great places. One was Parry Lodge, ladened on the walls were signed pictures of old movie stars. The place was very "old" colonial and full of history.  If only the walls could talk! I almost expected John Wayne to walk around the corner!!!!

At Yosemite National Park I camped under the stars. The park rangers were great, giving instructions about bears and not to store food where you pitched your tent. I acquired a fishing license at the local store and tried my hand at trout fishing..... Good thing the store sold food, no fish that day!!!

No trout, but I have a great salmon recipe to share.

Honey and Soya Salmon


For 2 people

2 fillets of raw pink salmon
1 clove of fresh minced garlic
4 tablespoons dark soya sauce
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
3 tablespoons vegetable oil


Place oil in a fry pan, warm slightly, then add garlic and salmon skin side up. Cook for a few minutes then turn over.

Pour the soya sauce over the salmon and cook a few more minutes until salmon is almost done. The salmon should have a slight pink texture in middle. Check by looking at the side of salmon.

Just before you finish cooking add honey and sesame seeds. 

Plate fish and pour juices from the pan over the salmon.

Serve with Basmati rice and steamed vegetables (suggest broccoli and Julienne carrots) on the side.

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