Saturday 14 April 2012

A Cracking Good Time!

A drive in the hills of Perth, Western Australia is great especially in Spring. 

There is a place I love to visit, a rose nursery called, Bob Melville. <> Near the entrance they have a fantastic large pond, almost like a small man made lake, with carp and beautiful willow trees. A walkway takes you out over the water and the carp come right up to you.

The nursery is known for so many varieties of roses which you can purchase. One of my favorite types of rose is a David Austin. The David Austin is originally from England and somehow made it's way to my shores! The David Austin has many varieties, one of my favourites is the Pat Austin, a double apricot coloured rose. If you look up roses on the internet, it may inspire you visit a rose nursery after seeing the collection!

Over looking the nursery at the top of a hill is a cafe that serves the most delicious and simple food. You can have a light lunch or even a heavenly afternoon tea. I tried a quiche served with  salad. Who said a trip to the nursery was boring!!!

This is my recipe for a simple and light quiche, enjoy! 

Bernadette's  Quiche


6 large eggs
3 quarters of a cup of milk
2 tablespoons SR flour
1 large onion diced
1 large tomato diced
1 large or 2 small carrots peeled and grated
Half a zucchini peeled and grated
1 cup of cheese grated
1 tablespoon of parsley
A pinch of salt
1 cup of chopped bacon


Place eggs in a bowl, beat with a fork until well mixed. Add milk and flour, beat with a fork, making sure there are no lumps of flour in the mix.

Place in all other ingredients and stir until well combined.

Put into a greased oven proof pie dish and bake for about 1 hour on a moderately slow oven at 150 c. 

Should be a nice golden colour. Make sure it is cooked by pressing down on the centre with two fingers, it should bounce back. If not, back in oven for a few more minutes.

To me, this is better without pastry, the bottom of my quiche forms a natural crust!

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