Friday 6 April 2012

What a biscuit!!!!

One of my memories of growing up in Perth, Western Australia was when I was little. My mother dressed me up in pretty dresses, white knee high socks with frills on and black flat patent shoes with buckles!!!  Mum also dressed beautifully and occasionally we would catch the bus into the city go shopping and sometimes meet my father for lunch.

One of the department stores we went to was "Boans" where they sold many different things.
As you entered the store there was a little stall where they sold biscuits. It smelt so good as  the biscuits were being cooked.
If my memory serves me they were a plain, crunchy coconut biscuit. Mum would buy a bag  to take home. If you are wondering I wasn't allowed any until after dinner that night!

Today, I make my own coconut biscuits for my family. If you try these I know the smell will make everyone hungry wanting them. Be careful you don't burn your mouth if you can' wait for them to cool!!!!

Cherry Coconut Biscuits

Three quarters of a cup of margarine or softened butter
Three quarters of a cup of sugar
2 tablespoons of milk
2 cups of shredded coconut
2 cups of SR flour
1 cup glazed cherries(chopped)

Turn the oven onto  a moderate temperature. 

Put baking paper onto a biscuit tray.

In a bowl cream together margarine and sugar until light in colour and fluffy. Now gradually add the milk a little at a time. Turn down beater to a low speed and now add flour.

Turn off beater and gradually stir in with a spoon the coconut and cherries.

The mixture should be ready to form into little balls. Place the balls on tray then flatten them out with a fork.

Bake in a 120 degree oven for about 20 to 30 minutes. Keep an eye on them as they can burn quickly if cooked to long.

This mixture makes about 20 biscuits.

1 comment:

  1. Brings back memories (the wonderful glorious aroma of those biscuits in Boans are with me yet, till this very day)...will definitely make these :) thanks for sharing Bernadette. As an interesting aside, my Mother worked in that little biscuit place in Boans for many years, and I also worked the summer there, in between school and starting Technical College (TAFE)...what a small world it is.....
