Saturday 22 December 2012

Bottoms Up!

Perth, Western Australia has many places to visit. One that stands out is the Old Swan Brewery. The brewery building once featured lights in the shape of a sailing boat, which shone on the river. It was so pretty to see as you travelled along the Kwinana Freeway at night.

The Brewery's history will be always remembered by those who grew up in Perth. 

In 1857 Frederick Sherwood established the brewery in Sherwood Court in Perth, naming it the Swan Brewery, after the black swans that lived on the Swan River.
Following Sherwood’s death in 1874, the family offered the Swan Brewery for lease. The lease was taken up by Ferguson and Mumme. In 1879 the Swan Brewery was moved to a site at the foot of Mount Eliza.

The buildings that comprised the Old Swan Brewery complex were originally built in 1838 as a mill for timber cutting, as well as flour grinding. These were the first steam driven mills in Western Australia. Later taken over as the first convict depot (following the acceptance of convict transportation by the colony in 1850), the buildings were subsequently (between 1859 and 1879) used as a tannery, and at one time contained a restaurant (used by travellers between Perth and Fremantle).

In 1888 the Swan Brewery took over the neighbouring Lion Brewery. In 1906 the bottling works attached to the brewery were destroyed by fire, with a new facility constructed closer to the city.

The Swan Brewery acquired other breweries such as Emu and Kalgoorlie Brewing Company. The brewery ceased production at the Mounts Bay site in 1966 and moved all brewing operations to the Emu Brewery site in Spring Street. Then in 1978 it moved for the last time to Canning Vale.

The site on Mounts Bay Road was redeveloped and features private apartments and a restaurant. Kings Park Botanical Gardens has a wonderful view of this building, especially from the suspension bridge, known as the Federation Walkway.

Mums Ginger Beer

Ginger Plant

1 teaspoon compressed yeast
1 cup of water
9 teaspoons sugar
9 teaspoons ground ginger

Ginger Beer


4 cups of white sugar
Half a cup fresh squeezed and strained lemon juice
11 pints of water

Ginger Plant


Mix yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar in a large jar, add water (barely warm) and 1 teaspoon ginger. Cover with a cloth and leave for 8 days, adding 1 teaspoon of sugar and ground ginger each day.

Ginger Beer


Put sugar and 2 pints of measured water on to heat, stir until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat, add remaining 9 pints of water and lemon juice.

Strain contents of jar, now called ginger beer plant, through a cloth (my mother used a new pair of stockings!) Add to sugar and water mixture. Stir well and pour into 8 large bottles. Stir mix frequently as sediment settles quickly. Seal with bottle tops and leave for 5 days. My mother kept in cool area, if the bottles got too hot the tops would pop off! Taste after 5 days, it may need longer depending on your climate.

The ginger beer plant left in the stockings or cloth should now be halved. Add 1 teaspoon each of ground ginger and white sugar and 1 cup of water per jar.(Not yeast after first start). Repeat process as before, add sugar and ginger daily for 8 days. You have two plants, double your batch or give one to a freind! 


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