Tuesday 18 December 2012

Up, Up and Away!!!

Most children love balloons and adults do too, some never admit it!!  Normally they are for special occasions and birthday celebrations. The ones I would like to tell you about are a little bigger!
Hot Air Balloons are truely amazing, they drift through the air and look spectacular. Years ago, I went to a festival in South Carolina, USA. 

They still seem to have the festival and I have included a link from a website...


The words I have do not do the balloons justice.  A field full of balloons, lying on the ground, people in the baskets turning on the tanks, heating the balloons and making them rise into the sky. They were secured with ropes until ready to go.

These were not just your every day hot air balloons, they were all shapes and sizes. One in particular still comes to mind, a cowboy sitting on a horse shaped balloon. I never knew that balloons could be anything other than round. 

One day, I plan on travelling through the sky with nothing but the wind in my hair and bugs in my teeth probably!! I think we all should try things and I believe you are never to old!      

Lamb Chops - Italian


8 lamb chops
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 can of tomato soup (430grams)
Three quarters of a cup of milk
1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce 
1 tablespoon of soya sauce
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 clove of garlic, peeled and crushed
1 green capsicum, sliced
1 small can of whole champignon mushrooms(190grams) 
Salt and pepper to taste


In a frying pan, place oil and brown the chops slightly on each side. Do not overcook, or they will dry out. This should be done on low heat.

In a casserole dish, place place the soup, milk , soya and Worcestershire sauce. Stir with a fork until well combined. Add the garlic, basil and salt and pepper and stir once more. Add the capsicum and champignon mushrooms.

Lastly, put in the chops, making sure they are covered with the sauce.

Bake in a moderate oven for 1 hour.

Serve with cooked vegetables of your choice on the side.


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