Monday 31 December 2012

Sugar Mountain!

Sugar Mountain is a village in Avery County, North Carolina, USA.

Winter is a great time to visit because of the snow. This is the first place I learnt to snow ski and I have memories to share.

Decked out in what seemed like layers and layers of clothes to keep warm, I was ready for my new challenge....The ski boots I wore wanted to make your legs go forward and were not comfortable, but that did not stop me! The poles were everywhere but in the snow...... What a picture!!

Beginners like myself are given lessons at the bottom of the mountain. My only problem, all the people I learnt to ski with were kids, I felt so embarrassed. Lessons finished and I went to the top of the mountain in the chair lift. What was I thinking???  I somehow made it back down the mountain in tact.......Oh, I did manage to take out a few people along the way!

Well that was enough skiing for me for one day. Still in one piece, frozen to the bone with all my friends still skiing, I made my way back to the shops. I managed to find this great little place that made fudge. You could see them making and laying it to set on marble table tops. 
I ordered a hot chocolate and found a wood fire to sit next to. 

Refreshed and ready to go, discovering a beautiful ice rink not far from the shops. I sat and watched people gliding around the ice. Wow, I liked that better than skiing. I did not attempt this, just happy to sit and watch.

I am always glad to try something new, but do like to have my feet firmly on the ground!

The North Carolina mountains are just beautiful. The smell of pine trees and views as far as the eye can see .....definitely a place to go.

Now for something really cold...

Bernadette's Mango Ice Cream


8 egg yolks
225g sugar
500mls milk
300mls cream
1 vanilla bean
300mls mango puree 

In a mixing bowl, whisk yolks and sugar. Leave aside.

Pour milk into a large pot. Add 200mls of cream, scraped vanilla bean and bring to boil on stove. Then remove and add to the whisked yolks and sugar. Combine well.

Place back into saucepan on low heat, stirring continuously until mix (custard) lightly coats the back of the spoon.

Pour custard through strainer - add remaining 100mls of cream.

Blend mango puree in to the custard and mix well.

Cool ice cream in a large bowl in the freezer until almost frozen. Remove and beat in mixer or hand beat well. Place back into freezer. When firm and frozen ice cream is ready to serve.


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